
Showing posts from January, 2021

Initial Storyboard

 In order to do this, I began to brainstorm the scariest type of horror film to me, which are the demonic/psychological films that truly scare me. From there I researched alternate names for "nightmare" to use as a title and came across the word "Gehenna," which is ultimately a place of misery and Hell-like, where unrepented souls linger. I began to construct a vision in mind that a girl would have access to Gehenna in her dreams, as she hold special spiritual gifts, and based my film opening context off of that idea. 

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

  Rise:  Multiple different camera shots Video quality is good Camera shots were on beat with the music  clean transitions The upbeat music really sets the tone for the film Offline:   Genre- Horror The film started off with typing on the screen, and then transitioned to the titles The music sets an unsettling and creepy feeling Transitions back and forth between a girl held hostage in a cage and her peers looking at her on social media, wondering where she is. The music throughout sets the horror feeling Lack of a plot Low-Key Lighting is used General Camera angles Dear Lover:  Genre-Romantic Drama Song was credited in the beginning. Has an outdoor setting. The music fades, and a voiceover, which is probably the girl's thoughts begins. Flashbacks Different camera angles Dialogue between the two characters is hard to hear Has a clear storyline Dare to Thrill:  Genre-Action The music was overbearing. The film needed more lighting at the beginning. The a...

Semester Exam- Film Opening Analysis of Black Mirror (Season 3, Episode 4, San Junipero)

      Beginning with the extreme close up shot of the shoreline that dissolves into an establishing shot of the city of San Junipero at night, the clip creates a feeling of fun with the existing night life within the city. From there, a cutaway shot from the long, establishing shot of San Junipero to the front of the club called Tucker's that extends into a panning shot that follows the car full of college-age students in front of the diner that really emphasizes the feeling of a buzzing night life that sparks interest of the audience. The next camera shot, which cuts from the outside of the diner, to a close-up of the woman walking down the city strip and stopping in front of the television shop, develops a sense of curiosity and confusion that almost accentuates innocence in a way. The next moment, which is an over-the-shoulder shot from behind the woman, facing Tucker's, creates an enveloping moment where the audience can feel the woman bracing herself to reluctan...

Film Opening Research #2- IT (2017)

1)   How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?  Only one, which is the movie title "IT" 2) What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The yellow jacket, the paper boat, and the balloon.  3) What connotations do the images carry?  They carry innocent connotations, and the naeive stature of Georgie. 4) How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?  The setting, which is rainy and gloomy, as well as the older brother's tone of voice creates a feel of uneasiness that is classic in the horror genre.  5) How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?  The film Contrasts in color, sound, and the setting seems so surreal that nothing bad could happen in this area. But it is a facade.  6) What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?  Non-diegetic sound is used to create a suspenseful, foreboding feeling during the scene.  7) H...

Film Opening Research #1- The Exorcist (1973)

1)   How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?  -Warner Brothers Pictures - Director: William Friedkin -William Peter Blatty  -The movie title: "THE EXORCIST"  Total: 4 2) What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?      The images prioritized in the opening scene include the mass archaeology site being dug up by probably 100 workers, in the desert area of Northern Iraq. Also, the little boy running to get the leader of the site to see the new find brings about a sense of urgency in the scene. But the most notable part of this scene is the foreboding statue of the ancient god, which is a foreshadowing in showing what the main character, Regan gets possessed by.  3) What connotations do the images carry?     The most significant of all the scenes, which shows the figurine statue of the possessive demon, carries a negative connotation. It was an ominous foreshadowing of the negative events that w...

My Favirote Genre---Video
