Film Opening Research #2- IT (2017)
1) How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
Only one, which is the movie title "IT"
2) What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?The yellow jacket, the paper boat, and the balloon.
3) What connotations do the images carry?
They carry innocent connotations, and the naeive stature of Georgie.
4) How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
4) How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The setting, which is rainy and gloomy, as well as the older brother's tone of voice creates a feel of uneasiness that is classic in the horror genre.
5) How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
5) How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film Contrasts in color, sound, and the setting seems so surreal that nothing bad could happen in this area. But it is a facade.
6) What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
6) What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
Non-diegetic sound is used to create a suspenseful, foreboding feeling during the scene.
7) How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.
7) How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.
The use of CGI editing has been a huge part of the scene, especially as georgie has his arm bitten off and it shows the mouth of Pennywise. The high angle between Georgie and Pennywise creates a misconception on who is dominant in the situation, which makes it much more interesting.
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