Semester Exam- Film Opening Analysis of Black Mirror (Season 3, Episode 4, San Junipero)

     Beginning with the extreme close up shot of the shoreline that dissolves into an establishing shot of the city of San Junipero at night, the clip creates a feeling of fun with the existing night life within the city. From there, a cutaway shot from the long, establishing shot of San Junipero to the front of the club called Tucker's that extends into a panning shot that follows the car full of college-age students in front of the diner that really emphasizes the feeling of a buzzing night life that sparks interest of the audience. The next camera shot, which cuts from the outside of the diner, to a close-up of the woman walking down the city strip and stopping in front of the television shop, develops a sense of curiosity and confusion that almost accentuates innocence in a way. The next moment, which is an over-the-shoulder shot from behind the woman, facing Tucker's, creates an enveloping moment where the audience can feel the woman bracing herself to reluctantly walk into Tucker's. Thereon, the scene cuts from the woman standing outside to her walking through the club and the entire vibe has changed, where the music is loud and fast-paced, the people inside are moving around plenty as well, much like a busy bee-hive. There is also moments throughout the approximately 5 minute clip, where the music dies down, and conversations between the characters begin with medium-paced dolly shots and end with either medium-shots or close-up shots to accentuate the importance to the plot, what the characters are saying. Basically, the usage of the sounds and different camera shots and angles help to establish the excitement of the scene, contrasting with how slow paced the main female character in this clip is, where she is taking everything in at her own pace. 

In regards to the mise-en-scene of the clip, there are many contributions that help to develop the time period through scenery, After the establishing shot it is evident that the clip is taking place at some point in the 1980'S era, where the students in the car are listening to a Madonna song that came out in the 1980's and the car is an early 80's model. From there, the inclusion of neon lights on both the outside and inside of the club create a nostalgic feeling that is only specific to the 80's era. The most prominent factors to the mise-en-scene are the choice of eccentric costume, hair and makeup, which is also a style very specific to the 1980's and sets the scene extremely well, as well as the music choice, from the car to inside of the club, the style of music being played is fixed to that era. Another contribution that creates a fun feeling are the interesting choice of drinks, and the retro arcade games, like pac-man and other games put against the wall. The mise-en-scene of the clip creates a meaningful plot that includes a time period and sets up for the rest of the episode, almost feeling like a nostalgic flashback. 


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